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Hi (Exchange of information and free training between Iranian and foreign companies) For performance and improvement and raising the quality of standard work The decision was made to form the following groups: Telegram: Exchange of information, topics, projects and forces Skype Group General teamwork Backend Frontend Architecture -Software PMP: (Project management) Telegram: Exchange of information, topics, projects and forces https://t.me/+FNzFN-h_P4VjZTcy Skype Group General teamwork https://join.skype.com/k92PQjhxlWBL Backend https://join.skype.com/INHiAPvaqX23 Frontend https://join.skype.com/Hw5YaofL8ISh Architecture -Software https://join.skype.com/C6jlC32bb0mi PMP: (Project management) https://join.skype.com/GWKLGIDIsSc4 Work professionally and professionally! Choose your favorite groups so that we can coordinate and plan together .... We will grow together ... Your time is beautiful Telegram www.Softwareindustrie