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Manhattan travel

Manhattan Travel . Dear friends, contact us to get the best ticket prices for Iran Air, Qatar Airways and other planes. Soon all flights will return to normal and now consider your trip for the Christmas holidays. Dear friends who intend to study in the UK or intend to stay in the UK on a business visa, contact us. Inform your colleagues and friends about #airlines and the latest #tourism news Click on the link below to enter the Manhattan Travel Telegram Channel https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFQ-LHc4C6rJrOITHw https://www.manhattanstravel.co.uk/airline-company-directives-?D8?A8?D8?AE?D8?B4?D9?86?D8?A7?D9?85?D9?87- Thanks. —------------------------------------- AnManhattan Travel (+44) 0 12 13 14 18 02 . (+44) 074 76 96 3 444 J102 J, 1st Floor, CIBA Building, 146 Hagley Rd, B16 9NX, England. http://www.manhattanstravel.co.uk